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Ribeira do Zambujosa

Ribeira do Zambujosa

GPS track – Walking-in-Algarve – Tavira (© André Wolff)

 8.9 mi.  Moderate   162m Mata da Conceição

Ribeira do Zambujosa walk is a medium difficult circular route of almost 9 mile through the Mata da Conceicao area, North-East of Tavira. Walk this route counter clockwise that will save you the best for last. The distance from bed and breakfast Algarve Cas al Cubo, the best address for your walking holiday, is about 20 minutes.

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After parking the car in the Mata da Conceicao, the woods are immediately left behind. The route starts Southbound. Cross under the highway and follow the tarmac through the rural Algarve with some scattered houses on the way. The Ribeira do Zambujosa walk leaves the asphalt at a small house. It looks as if the walk uses the driveway of the house, but it lingers around.

Oranges of the Algarve

Small  orange plantations, fig trees, grape vines and rustic farms dominate the landscape. The track turns back North bound and enters an area where nature prevails. At this point there is little shade and the sun can be harsh. The vegetation is low and hamlets like Daroeira and Malhada do Peres are passed and in this last village, follow the unpaved road between the houses. Ribeira do Zambujosa walk now enters the area of the river. The stream has to be forded several times, the amount depending on the quantity of rain in the weeks preceding the walk. Take a towel to dry your feet. Sometimes the water is knee-high! Ribeira do Zambujosa collects the water from three smaller rivers, Ribeira da Gafa,  Ribeira de Carriços and Ribeira do Zambujosa itself. On a sunny (winters) day, the mountain water is lovely and refreshing.

The most beautiful part of the walk now starts. The river landscape slowly emerges into the mixed eucalyptus – en pine tree wood of the Mata da Conceição. The science can be so absolute that you can almost hear it. Just the sound of the wind and some birds break the spell. On this walk, there is no restaurant or café, so we advise to bring your own picknick  and find yourself a great spot somewhere on the river bank. Guests of B&B Cas al Cubo can order a lunch a day before and the bed and breakfast offers a GPS, because this walk is not signposted.

Download file: Mata Nac Conceicao, Ribereira Zambujosa.gpx

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